We are now a third-generation company, selling quality products at a fair price. Our goal is to keep our customers running and live up to our promises!
A timeline of our history:
1948:Cliff Dykstra started the company as 'Cliff's Electric'
1953:Took on DeLaval
1960:Larry and Dennis joined the Cliff's team
1972:Built the shop at our current location
1976:Switched names to Cliff's Inc; Larry and Dennis "officially" joined the ownership team
1995:Took on ValMetal
1999:Mike Barrett joined the Cliff's team; Built the new offices
2000:Took on Agromatic/Kraiburg line
2001:Clifford passed away
2003:Took on Patz, Dixie Chopper, and Bad Boy
2009:Took on Trioliet line
2013:Larry passed away
2016:Built new shop
2019:Dennis passed away